What's a MOM to do?

Posts Tagged ‘nutrition

Is this safe for our little one's?

Is this safe for our little one's?

Becoming a mom has transformed me into a “green”,  healthy, and frugal person that I don’t even recognize. My husband (of almost 5 years), a biologist, shakes his head in disbelief, but, I think, in a good way. 🙂  Having had a chronically ill child has really opened my eyes to the impact our environment and what we put into our body, on our body, in our house, etc has on us and our vulnerable, developing children.  One of the hot topics about a year and half ago was BPA and it use in sippy cups and other disposable type products. That topic is resurfacing as it seems Coke and some other big manufacturers are trying to cover up the inherent risks in these products, rather than incur the cost and hassle of changing the containers they use for their products. But I digress, as I have researched the BPA and other harmful environmental contaminants, I discovered an organization that has been very useful for me, it is called Environmental Working Group at  http://www.ewg.org (sorry I can’t figure out how to add a hyperlink, feel free to advise). Recently they tested 1611 sunscreens and found 3 of 5 either contain hazardous chemicals or don’t protect as they claim. I hate to over-react, but as I am currently following 7 Caring Bridge sites, I can’t help but wonder where all these mystery diseases and cancers come from. I know our ability to detect and diagnose diseases has improved, but I don’t really believe these cancers, insulinomas, and mystery diseases have always been around. Actually, we know they have not always been around, reference your bible, until Genesis 3 where sin entered the picture, there was no disease. If you read through Genesis (http://www.biblegateway.com), you will see that the life expectancy is progressively reduced and that seems to have continued. It saddens and surprises me to contemplate the number of children under 5, who I have met or been connected with and praying for over the past 2 years. So, my intent is not to incite fear, but just caution, lets take a look at what we put into and rub all over our kid’s bodies (and our own). This site has also developed a great shopping guide (http://www.foodnews.org) that ranked a total of 47 different fruits and vegetables as far as pesticide load, this is a great tool to print out and take to the grocery store and help you decide when it is worth the money to buy organic. For instance, the “Dirty Dozen”, the ones with the worst pesticide load: #1 peaches, #2  apple, #3 bell pepper #4 celery #5 nectarine #6 strawberries … Tell me what you think and have a blessed day!

My friend Alisa suggested I share my fruit smoothie recipe so here it is. Great as a meal or for a snack.

10 oz yogurt or kefir, plain or vanilla, (I do not use lowfat or skim, but this is personal preference)

1 Tbsp raw organic coconut oil (this makes it taste like a Pina Colada)

1 Tbsp flax seed oil

1 Whole raw high omega 3 egg (optional, but good for protein)

1-2 Cups fresh or frozen fruit (if fresh, add some ice to thicken smoothie)

1 Tbsp raw organic unheated honey

Dump all contents into a blender, mix and enjoy.

This recipe is adapted from The Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin, If you are interested in healthy, non processed, natural eating as I believe God intended, I would highly suggest the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.(http://newtrendspublishing.com/SallyFallon/index.html) Each page contains, in addition to a recipe, education and information about food and preparation and health. It is a fascinating read. Many of the ingredients are best found through local food co-ops and the Health Food grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Earth Fare and locally in Raleigh, Harmony Foods.

After my younger daughter’s long hospitalization and illness, I began a quest for ways to improve our family’s health. This lead me to these resources and include changes like not buying processed foods, shopping mainly the perimeter of the grocery store and not the aisles, grinding grain and making most of our bread at home, soaking grains and nuts and oatmeal before using and other techniques our ancestors used. I will share more of this in upcoming posts, email me or post a comment if there is something in particular you are interested in along these lines. Keep in mind that I am fairly new to this so you can learn along side me.

If you have other recipes or resources along these lines, please share here and I will post for the readers.

Thanks for reading and for your comments and suggestions.

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